Monday, December 26, 2016

pawz socks

I've been refining my generic sock recipe for a while now, and I've finally settled on one I like.
These fit my little feet (size 5.5/6 US women's), but they can be easily adjusted.  This is just a general recipe and assumes previous sock knowledge.

Cast-on 64 stitches using the German Twisted Cast-On. (see for a quick tutorial)

Cuff:  knit in 1x1 ribbing until there are 20 rounds.

Leg:  Switch to 3x1 ribbing until there are 80 rounds (including cuff).  Around round 78, rotate stitch placement, or just knit it as *k1,p1,k2*
Rotate by 2 stitches:  Before starting the heel flap, rotate the placement of the stitches on the needles so that the stitch pattern per needle is (k1, p1, k2)*  This just makes the pattern along the top of the foot look more balanced.

Heel flap:  standard (sl 1, k1)* on RS rows and sl 1 (p)* for WS rows until 16 elongated stitches (or 32 rows).

Turn the heel:  knit half + 2 (18 stitches), ssk, k1, turn.  sl 1 wyif, p5, p2tog, p1, turn.  sl 1 wyib, k6, ssk, k1, turn.  sl 1 wyif, p7, p2tog, p1, turn.  continue, increasing by 1 each time until all stitches are worked.

Gusset:  pick up stitches (about 18 on each side).
Odd rounds:  knit across needle 1.  work in pattern across needles 2 & 3.  knit across needle 4.
Even rounds:  needle 1:  knit to 3 stitches before end, k2tog, k1.  needles 2 &3:  work in pattern across instep.  needle 4: k1, ssk, knit to end.
Until back to 16 stitches on each needle.

Foot:  work in pattern until there are 65 rounds from the pickup along the heel flap.

Garter stitch short-row toe:  Start working on the bottom of the foot.  Knit to 1 before the end, slip, wrap, return final stitch, turn.  Knit to 1 before the end, slip, wrap, return, turn.
Knit until 1 before previously wrapped stitch, slip, wrap, return, turn.  Repeat until 8 stitches remain unwrapped.
Do ONCE:  Knit to wrapped stitch, slip, wrap, return, turn.  Knit to wrapped stitch, slip, wrap, return, turn.
Knit to wrapped stitch, knit 1 wrapped stitch, slip next stitch, wrap, return, turn.  Repeat this until all stitches are worked.  Knit one more row, slipping first stitch.

Kitchener toe to instep.
Weave in ends.

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